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Soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is an important crop that provides a sustainable source of protein and oil worldwide. Soybean cyst nematode ( Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) is a microscopic roundworm that feeds on the roots of soybean and is a major constraint to soybean production.

This nematode causes more than US$1 billion in yield losses annually in the United States alone, making it the most economically important pathogen on soybean. Although planting of resistant cultivars forms the core management strategy for this pathogen, nothing is known about the nature of resistance. Moreover, the increase in virulent populations of this parasite on most known resistance sources necessitates the development of novel approaches for control. Here we report the map-based cloning of a gene at the Rhg4 (for resistance to Heterodera glycines 4) locus, a major quantitative trait locus contributing to resistance to this pathogen. Mutation analysis, gene silencing and transgenic complementation confirm that the gene confers resistance. The gene encodes a serine hydroxymethyltransferase, an enzyme that is ubiquitous in nature and structurally conserved across kingdoms.

The enzyme is responsible for interconversion of serine and glycine and is essential for cellular one-carbon metabolism. Alleles of Rhg4 conferring resistance or susceptibility differ by two genetic polymorphisms that alter a key regulatory property of the enzyme. Our discovery reveals an unprecedented plant resistance mechanism against a pathogen. The mechanistic knowledge of the resistance gene can be readily exploited to improve nematode resistance of soybean, an increasingly important global crop. & Wrather, J. Suppression of soybean yield potential in the continental United States from plant diseases estimated from 2006 to 2009. Plant Health Prog.

Inheritance of resistance of soybeans to the cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. 52, 635–636 (1960) • • • 3. & Williams, L. Evidence of a fourth gene for resistance to the soybean cyst nematode.

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5, 477 (1965) • • • 4. Concibido, V. C., Diers, B. A decade of QTL mapping for cyst nematode resistance in soybean. 44, 1121–1131 (2004) • • • • 5.

‘Forrest’ resistance to the soybean cyst nematode is bigenic: saturation mapping of the Rhg1 and Rhg4 loci. 103, 710–717 (2001) • • • • 6. Histological responses of resistant and susceptible soybean varieties, and backcross progeny to entry development of Heterodera glycines. Phytopathology 55, 375–381 (1965) • • • 7. & Opperman, C. Genetic analysis of parasitism in soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines. Digitech Remote Control Manual on this page. Genetics 146, 1311–1318 (1997) • • • • 8.

L., Colgrove, A. L., Colgrove, K.

Introduction To Business Law 5th Edition on this page. Shift in virulence of soybean cyst nematode is associated with use of resistance from PI 88788. Plant Health Prog. A nematode demographics assay in transgenic roots reveals no significant impacts of the Rhg1 locus LRR-Kinase on soybean cyst nematode resistance. BMC Plant Biol.

Manual Audi A6 2005 on this page. 10, 104 (2010) • • • • • 10. Soybean cyst nematode resistance in soybean is independent of the Rhg4 locus LRR-RLK gene. 11, 539–549 (2011) • • • • 11.

TILLING to detect induced mutations in soybean. BMC Plant Biol. 8, 9 (2008) • • • • • 12. TILLING: A reverse genetics and a functional genomics tool in soybean. In The handbook of Plant Functional Genomics: Concepts and Protocols (eds Kahl, G.

& Meksem, K.) 251–265 (Wiley, 2008) • 13. Impacts of genetic bottlenecks on soybean genome diversity.

USA 103, 1 (2007) • • • • • 14. Q., Bradshaw, J.

D., Whitham, S. The development of an efficient multipurpose Bean pod mottle virus viral vector set for foreign gene expression and RNA silencing. Plant Physiol. 153, 52–65 (2010) • • • • • 15. The soybean Rhg1 locus for resistance to the soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines regulates expression of a large number of stress- and defense-related genes in degenerating feeding cells. Plant Physiol.