Introduction To Business Law 5th Edition

4/27/2018by admin
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Introduction To Business Law 5th Edition

Using an innovative storytelling style that brings cases and legal concepts to life, INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW, 5E presents a full range of business law topics in a series of brief, quick-reading chapters. The text delivers succinct coverage of core business law topics and includes summarized cases instead of case examples to illustrate the point of law. Emphasizing the business applications of chapter concepts, it helps you see the relevance of legal issues to your own future career path. The fifth edition also includes all-new chapters on LLCs and employment discrimination, new Case Questions, and a new emphasis on social media issues throughout.Sample questions asked in the 5th edition of Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law: ETHICS Clarice, a young woman with a mental disability, brought a malpractice suit against a doctor at the Medical Center. As a result, the Medical Center refused to treat her on a nonemergency basis. Clarice then went to another local clinic, which was later acquired by the Medical Center. Because the new clinic also refused to treat her, Clarice had to seek medical treatment in another town 40 miles away.

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Get this from a library! Business Law fifth edition e-book. [Ewan MacIntyre.].