August Sander, Painter’s Wife [Helene Abelen], circa 1926 © Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur – August Sander Archiv, Cologne; ADAGP, Paris, 2015. Two of the many compelling photographs of the so-called “New Woman” of the interwar period were not made by a woman photographer – although this is the subject of my essay – but by the great visual encyclopedist of (German) modernity, August Sander. One doesn’t know the identity of the woman described as “Secretary at Western German Radio in Cologne” (1931), but Helene Abelen was the young wife of the Cologne painter Peter Abelen who commissioned the portrait (1926). Together, the two portraits are almost stereotypical incarnations of the Nouvelle Femme or Neue Frau, or, as she was also known, the “Modern Woman”. A partly mythic, partly sociological, partly demographic figure that emerged as early as the 1880s, she was a locus of anxieties and fantasies, a target for advertisers and the entertainment industry, a chip in national political debates, a perceived threat to working men’s interests, the scourge of pro-natalists, the symbol of immorality and sexual license, and inseparable from what Rita Felski has characterized as “the contradictory and conflictual impulses shaping the logic – or rather logics—of modern development” 1 1. Rita Felski, The Gender of Modernity, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995, p.17. August Sander, Secretary at West German Radio in Cologne, 1931 © Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur – August Sander Archiv, Cologne; ADAGP, Paris, 2015.
Milan Nikolic studies Film Directing. 6 Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Inside/Out 125. Download (. Zee Tv Fear Files Mantra Download Free Mp3 Download. pdf) Bookmark. 6 Abigail Solomon-Godeau, “Representing Women: The Politics of Self-Representation,” in Reframings: New American Feminist Photographies, ed.
But as Katharina von Ankum observes, the German version of the New Woman was as fleeting at it was ambiguous and generational: “Despite limited reality, the icon of the New Woman that emerged from the war years as the embodiment of the sexually liberated, economically independent self-reliant female was perceived as a threat to social stability and an impediment to Germany’s political and economic reconstruction. The discursive obsession with female identity was prompted by the sexualization of the public sphere resulting from the entry of large numbers of women into the modern workplace, the perception of a “birth-strike” among middle-class women and the decisively masculine appearance of the New Woman that repressed the physical markers of femininity.” 2 2. Katharina von Ankum, “Introduction” in Von Ankum, ed., Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997) pp 4-5. I would, however question the description of the New Woman’s appearance as androgynous or masculinized. The red lipstick, short skirts, uncorseted torsos, transparent silk stockings and shaved legs should be weighed against the cropped hair, minimized bust and waistline.
If Sander’s women seem immediately recognizable as symbols of this new feminine identity, as with all photographs, we need to be cautious about taking appearance for reality. Thus, the androgynous “look” of Helene Abelen might suggest one kind of identity, but another portrait by Sander of Abelen and her daughter, Josepha, suggests quite another. The very short hair, cigarette, embroidered silk dress and unflinching expression of the secretary give little clue to what might well have been her material circumstances. Gertrud Arndt, Autoportrait dans l’atelier, Bauhaus Dessau, c.1926 © Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / ADAGP, Paris 2015 2. Manual Usuario Audi A3 Sportback 2011.