Wireless Key Generator is a free tool that generates strong wireless encryption keys and saves them to a text file that you can store on a USB drive or other. This options is the most versatile, allowing both: WPA2-AES - stronger encryption (supported by few devices); WPA-TKIP - strong encryption (supported by more devices). Select encryption type. Select 'Default Security Key' or 'Use Custom Security Key'. If you select 'Use Custom Security Key', follow these rules.
SpeedTouchXXXXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 (Broken algo!) BTHomeHub-XXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 (Broken algo!) BTHomeHub2-XXXX - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub3 - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub4 - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub5 - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub6 - [0-9a-zA-Z] Len: 10 or 12 see and. ThomsonXXXXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 PlusnetWireless-XXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 PLUSNET-###### - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 - Maybe reduced keyspace: [2-9a-f]?
MEO-###### - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 See. Belkin.xxx - [2-9a-f] Len: 8 belkin.xxxx - [2-9a-f] Len: 8 Belkin.XXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 Belkin_XXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 BELL### - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 BELL#### - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 TP-LINK_###### - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 TP-LINK_#### - [0-9] Len: 8 (Easy!) TDC-#### - [0-9a-f] Len: 9 (Seen 2 and no 0 so maybe [1-9a-f] reduced key-space?) TNCAPXXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 TRKASHI-###### -?d?d###### [Broken] TRENDnet - [Brute 6 digit] more details. ATTXXX - [0-9] Len: 10. Common AT&T DSL routers in the USA. WebCube#### - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 3WebCube#### - [0-9a-fA-F] Len: 8 WLAN1-XXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 11 TelstraXXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len:10 BigPondXXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len:10 Useful info on TNCAP 2WIREXXX - [0-9] Len: 10. Common AT&T DSL routers in the USA. ONOXXXX - [0-9] Len: 10 DJAWEB_##### - [0-9] Len: 10 TIM_PN51T_XXXX - [0-9] Len: 8 - WPS pin is 12345670.
And WPS can't be disabled. INFINITUM#### - [0-9] Len: 10 NETGEARXX - Adjective + Noun + 3 Digits. SSID: NETGEAR37 KEY: vastcoconut 260 CenturyLinkXXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 14 (ouch!) Livebox-XXXX - Think this one is long so nearly impossible unless default algorithm is found. BrightBox-XXXXXX - [??] Len: 8 EEBrightBox-XXXXXX - [3 word with hyphens] See thread for details. Orange-XXXX - [2345679ACEF] Len: 8 TALKTALK-XXXXXX - [ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTUVWXY346789] Len: 8 AOLBB-XXXXXX - [0-9A-Z] Len: 8 (Might be room for optimization here but not sure atm) UPCXXXXXXX - [A-Z] Len: 8 SKYXXXXX - [A-Z] Len: 8 Tech_XXXXXXXX - [A-Z] Len: 8 - Page 6. SKY keygen: Keenetic-XXXX - [a-zA-Z0-9] Len: 8 (Might be scope to reduce the charset but even so, large key-space) Virgin Media [abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz] Length 8 i and o omitted. Ezy Invoice 10 Keygen Music here.