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Overview The Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) was developed to build resilience and promote positive mental health in teenagers. The program consists of three components, each promoting protective factors from a different perspective: • RAP-A: for adolescents • RAP-P: for parents • RAP-T: for teachers. The RAP-A was developed to meet the need for a universal resilience building program for teenagers which could be readily implemented in a school setting.
The Adolescent STARR (Short Term Assessment and Rapid Reintegration) program provides short-term out of home placements for adolescents with. Come join us for our Resourceful Adolescent Program! The Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP-A) aims to help teenagers between the ages of 11.
RAP-A is a positively focused program that consists of 11 sessions of approximately 50 minutes duration. The program is run with groups of adolescents varying in size from 8 to 16 students, usually as an integral part of the school curriculum (from grades 7 to 10). RAP-A attempts to integrate both cognitive-behavioural and interpersonal approaches to improve coping skills and build resilience to promote positive development. The other two RAP components have also been developed to build resilience and promote positive mental health in teenagers: RAP-P targets family protective factors, such as increasing harmony and preventing conflict; and RAP-T seeks to assist teachers to promote school connectedness - a protective factor that has been shown to be very important in teenage mental health. An Indigenous specific version of the RAP-P program has been developed, as some of the main ideas of the mainstream RAP-P were relevant, the adaptation of the program was required if it was to be relevant and useful for Indigenous communities. Bill Phillips Eating For Life Pdf Converter there. Additionally, an Indigenous supplement has been created to be used with Indigenous adolescents in combination with the mainstream RAP-A.
Contacts Resourceful Adolescent Programs School of Psychology and Counselling Queensland University of Technology Kelvin Grove Campus Victoria Park Rd Kelvin Grove Qld 4059 Ph: (07) 3138 4956 Fax: (07) 3138 0322 Email: Report broken link Links • • • • •. Matteo Tarantino Disco Grafia on this page.