Error Invalid Data Source Name

11/2/2017by admin
Error Invalid Data Source Name Average ratng: 8,7/10 4479reviews

ConfigDSN should call SQLValidDSN to check the length of the data source name and to verify that no invalid characters are included in the name. 250 Job Interview Questions Peter Veruki Pdf Free. If the data source name is longer than SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH or includes invalid characters, SQLValidDSN returns an error and ConfigDSN returns an error. This is driving me crazy! I know my values are correct. The database name, username, password are all valid, yet I keep getting this cursed message. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong? <?php $dsn = 'mysql:host=lo. When I use the PDO option, I get the following: Fuel Core Database_Exception [ Error ]: invalid data source name When I use the MySql option, I get the following: Fuel Core Database_Exception [ 1046 ]: No database selected I have tried everything. The database exists and the connection info is correct (I assume since Oil.

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