The Core Curriculum for Orthopaedic Nursing, 7th edition is available now in our Online Store! With 700 pages of text, pictures and tables, this book is a must for all nurses working in an orthopaedic setting. The Core Curriculum also contains a glossary of key terms and an extensive appendix which provides an in-depth list of nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. There is even a chapter dedicated to preparation for the ONC exam! Visit the to purchase your copy. You can also see a sample chapter, sneak peek at the book, and download the table of contents.
Core Curriculum for Orthopaedic Nursing. Core Curriculum for Orthopaedic Nursing) 6th Edition. 7th Edition, of the Core Curriculum. Available in: Paperback. Whether you are a new or an experienced emergency nurse, you'll find that the Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum, 6th Edition is.
ONC Practice Examinations (Self-Assessment Examinations [SAEs]) Online self-assessment examinations (SAEs; sample test questions) are a great way to prepare for the ONC examination. Five modules are available, each with 50 questions. Each SAE is $35 and is available to you for a period of 30 days from the time the product is purchased. Five SAEs Available The ONC General SAE was developed to be parallel in content and difficulty to the actual orthopaedic nursing certification examination. It addresses all content areas on the ONC examination. ONC OR/Peds/Neuromuscular/Congenital SAE was developed to aid candidates in review of operative and pediatric orthopaedics, as well as neuromuscular and congenital musculoskeletal conditions.
It does not address other content areas on the ONC examination. ONC Metabolic/Inflammatory/Oncology SAE was developed to aid candidates in review of metabolic and inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders, as well as musculoskeletal tumors. It does not address other content areas on the ONC examination. ONC Degenerative Disease SAE was developed to aid candidates in review of degenerative musculoskeletal disorders. It does not address other content areas on the ONC examination. ONC Sports Injuries/Trauma SAE was developed to aid candidates in review of musculoskeletal sports injuries and trauma. ONP-C Practice Examinations (Self-Assessment Examinations [SAEs]) The ONP-C General SAE was developed to be parallel in content and difficulty to the actual orthopaedic nursing certification examination.
It addresses all content areas on the ONP-C examination. The Sims 2 Espansioni Download Gratis Italiano Per Pc there. SAEs are offered only as a self-assessment and examination preparation aid; their completion is not required to be eligible to take the ONC examination,and does not guarantee successful performance on the examination. Questions on the SAEs do not appear on the examination. SAEs are only available through LXR and ONCB’s test vendor. PLEASE NOTE: You will be asked to pay for individual SAEs separately from examination fees or other ONCB products. SPECIAL BUNDLED PRICING ON SAEs ONCB now offers bundled pricing for SAEsfive for only $125 (savings of $50)!
This bundle of five SAEs is an especially great study aid for groups of nurses who are preparing together for the exam. Click for the order form; completed and fee should be sent directly to ONCB. Please note: bundled pricing is not available through online sales.
Categorization Statements for Workshop Planners ONCB is not an approver of continuing nursing education. However, ONCB will evaluate any approved continuing education activity to determine appropriate Category A and Category B credits. Robin Mckinley Pegasus Epub. For activities with less than 5 contact hours, the evaluation fee is $30. For activities with 5 or more contact hours, the evaluation fee is $60.