Come Scaricare Tutte Le Espansioni Di The Sims 3

12/16/2017by admin
Come Scaricare Tutte Le Espansioni Di The Sims 3 Average ratng: 5,0/10 3935reviews

EA ha deciso di regalare, a tutti i fan della saga di The Sims, l'intera collezione della seconda serie con tutte le espansioni comprese nella Ultimate.

Dove Posso Scaricare Tutte Le Espansioni Di The Sims 3

Ready to find your expansions? Log into Origin 2. Click on Game Library 3.

Click on The Sims 3 or The Sims 4 game tile 4. Click on Extra Content and scroll down through the available Expansions, Game packs and Stuff packs. • Extra Content that you own has either a Download or a Play button on the tile, depending on whether you have installed it or not. • Extra Content that you do not own has a Buy button.

Come Scaricare Tutte Le Espansioni Di The Sims 3

Laserdisc Game Emulator. How do I install the expansions and stuff packs that I own? In Extra Content, click Download. Once your extra content has downloaded and installed, you’ll see a Play button instead. How do I uninstall expansions and stuff packs?

In Origin, you can uninstall the game and all extra content by clicking on the Sims 3 or Sims 4 tile in your Game Library, then: 1. Click the cog beside the Play button: 2.

Choose Uninstall from the list: 3. Then click Yes to confirm your choice: Need help with something else? Was this article helpful? 33% of 30 players found this article helpful. Contenuto relativo • • • •.

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